Saturday, May 17, 2014

Course Update

Mother Nature has not been kind to us over the past week and a half, which has made it difficult to provide decent playing conditions.  We've received over 4" of rain since last Wednesday, combined with temps in the mid-80's, that caused the turf to start growing at an accelerated rate.  The weather seemed to affect the putting greens the most, where semi-dormant turf changed overnight into lush, green grass that was slow and bumpy.  Our maintenance practices have changed accordingly to better manage all playing surfaces, and the cooler temps forecasted for the upcoming week will naturally reduce the growth.

Putting greens on holes 3, 10, 11, 12 and 13 still have areas that haven't fully recovered from the winter.  Until recently, the cooler, drier weather has hindered turf recovery, but the warmup is a good thing and I have seen noticeable improvement.  Our verticutting and topdressing program seems to be working and we will continue the process until the areas are filled in.

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